Monday, May 20, 2013

How Did I Get Here?

Do you remember when you were little and someone asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  What was your answer?  Is the job that you hold today the dream that you dreamt as a child?  Are you living your dream?
Now I know that as we grow up, we change our minds about what we want to be; however, I think that we do so because of the influence of others instead of being true to ourselves.  Expectations, peer pressure, money, power, etc. have all influenced us to drift from following our true dreams and often settle for close enough or not even close at all.
How often have you just gone through the motions,  exist instead of living, planting a smile on your face to mask the pain and disappointment instead of experiencing true joy?  What is your purpose?  What is it that you enjoy? Do you even know who you are or have you lost yourself as you stumble along this journey of life?
Some call this time in my life a mid-life crisis; however, I feel like I have finally awakened from a deep and numbing slumber.  My eyes are opened and I do not know how I got here?  What the heck happened to my dreams?  What even are my dreams?  Who am I?
As I move forward, I want to know me.  I want to love me.  I want to be the dreamer that I know I am.  It’s time to step off the worn path that others have made and step onto the path that is less traveled, full of uncertainty and excitement for discovering the best kept secrets within me.  What are you waiting for?  This is your wake up call too!  You are most welcome to join me.

(copyright by SD Wolff 2013)

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